Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Beatitudes of Christian Writing

Our writing arises from who we are, our character. As Christians our character reflects our commitment to the Christian virtues. Among passages outlining these virtues, the beatitudes occupy a prominent place. Upon reflection, they seem to call me as a Christian writer to:
  • Poverty of spirit, the true humility that leads me to admit my imperfections and thus embrace critiques and suggestions for improvement
  • Mourning, anguish for my own sins and the degrading influence of evil on the gentle world that God created
  • Meekness, a commitment to reject blatant, manipulative self-promotion for a patient, hard-working and open trust in the Lord’s ability to accomplish his will in my life and writing
  • Hunger for righteousness, a motivation to write in such a way that readers will themselves long for the wholesome holiness reflected in courageous, sacrificial and kind characters—people who follow the Master—and in articles of a similar nature
  • Mercy, an empathy for those who suffer that moves me to do all I can in my writing to inform the indifferent and lift the fallen
  • Purity of heart, a single-minded focus on the glory of God and the extension of his kingdom
  • Peace, a commitment to promote respect and reconciliation on every level without compromising truth through meaningless appeasement
  • Accept misunderstanding and persecution. The patient, humble, godly life (and writing) God calls me to does not insulate me from disappointment, controversy, resentment, outright opposition—and yes, unanswered questions.
Obviously, I’ve got an Everest of unfulfilled qualities yet to climb, with God’s help.


Anonymous said...

Eric, great post. I've printed it and have it close to my computer in my home office. Thanks.
God Bless!
Anna Dynowski

Marcia Lee Laycock said...

Good words, Eric. Thank you.

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