Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life – A Grab Bag - Ruth Smith Meyer

Although I haven’t seen them recently, I remember the local drug store of my childhood having “Grab Bags” in an aisle bin for a modest price. You couldn’t see what was in the brown paper bags before purchasing them; you just had to hope there may be some things you really, really wanted. A few times, I couldn’t resist the temptation. There usually was at least one item with which I was delighted. Some were okay, but not something I would normally have purchased, but still useful, and some items I hardly knew what I could do with-even a disappointment. Yet they had all come in one bag.
The past week or two sometimes have felt like one of those grab bags. Among the goodies—some encouraging news from my husband’s medical appointments; visits with old friends and family; the enthusiasm with which my new novel, Not Far from the Tree, has been received; the celebrations around my husband and my daughters birthdays and the many warm greetings on my own last week.
The okay? The season’s first snowfall—early, but it did beautify our world and we didn’t get as much in our immediate area as some did, so we could appreciate the beauty without the labour; I’ve been able to get caught up on some work that got pushed aside in order to finish my book—tedious but satisfying to finish.
The items I think I could have done without? Our son-in-laws surgery that went drastically wrong, leaving him with a long recovery period (we’re so glad he made it, though); the death of a young mother leaving her husband to finish raising four young girls; the difficulties confronted by another friend on her journey with cancer; the crisis in a few organizations where I have responsibility.
Some would say as in the grab bag, life is a bit of a gamble. There is no doubt; life certainly is a mixed bag. What a difference though when one has a deeply grounded faith in Someone Who has the world in His hands! It helps us believe there is purpose in each one of those grab bag items, even if that purpose may be concealed at the moment. Let us not cast away or push any one of them aside, but reach out with open hands, seek out the opportunity for growth, understanding and deeper relationships that each presents and ask that Someone for help when we are perplexed.
Ruth Smith Meyer
Author of Not Easily Broken and Not Far from the Tree

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