Thursday, August 05, 2010

Writer’s Block – It’s A Nasty Thing - Atchison

I am sitting with idle hands, trying to figure out what to blog about here at the TWG blog. Writer’s block is a nasty thing, almost like bottled up tears that just won’t come. You know you have to cry, but are either too mad, or upset to let go and do it. The key here is blockage and trying to figure out why the words won’t come.

Free fall writing is one tool an author can use who is experiencing writer’s block, which can come from wanting to censor or edit as we are writing. The inventor of the freefall method of creative writing was well-known Canadian author, W.O. Mitchell. To practice the free fall method of writing, writers must tune out that internal editor, which is nagging them with thoughts of what and how to write. Forget the editor, and write whatever thoughts come to mind. Be sure to take into account sensory information and memories. The trick is to keep writing, leave the editing and read-back until the end of the writing process.

Free fall is a great idea and wonderful tool to use in most cases of writer’s block. But creativity can still be diminished by those thoughts and feelings that are dragging us down and upsetting us. In this case, it can be just as easy as shutting down the computer and going for a walk, doing meditation, letting go and crying, or praying – leaving it simply for another day. Deadlines loom though. What is a writer to do?

The theme of self-help these last few years is information about The Law of Attraction, thinking positive thoughts, putting out positive affirmations. I believe with the Lord’s help, it is good to be positive, but at times, we also have to let our true emotions surface so that we can take care of ourselves and acknowledge that which is upsetting us so. If we keep trying to build a hard shell, over time, surface cracks may appear and threaten to break apart.

Writers are especially vulnerable to writer’s block through mood upsets. Unless there are a fortunate few who can loose themselves within their projects and forget their emotions. This might work well for a novel, or non fiction piece, but a blog? Blog articles need to reflect a high level of creativity. Words written need to come from the heart and be of interest to the audience.

So as this author struggles with writer’s block after being away on a beautiful summer vacation, struggling to catch up on work that has piled onto my desk, I hope that some creativity, though a bit bland may have peeked out of my surface cracks. I’m still tending to the giant crater that has blown my creativity to bits. (*smile*).

Patricia L. Atchison
Writing & Publishing Blog:

1 comment:

Peter Black said...

It seems that freefall writing worked very well for you this time!
Thanks for the demonstration, and also for the hoped-for inspiration that your post may in part be responsible for bringing to others of us, down the road.

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