Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Trusting—Carolyn R. Wilker

In March two of my daughters gave birth, each of them to a baby boy. We are happy for them and my husband is delighted to have grandsons to join the parade of granddaughters we already have and love dearly. We are pleased and thankful, most of all, for healthy babies who are doing well, and that the mothers, though still tired from broken nights of sleep, are steadily recovering from the birth of their babies.
It takes enormous energy to feed a growing fetus throughout pregnancy, giving birth, and then nourishing herself and baby in the post-birth days. Mothers can feel overwhelmed by the expectations and needs too.  And if there’s another child, to include that sibling in the daily routine and share the love. A new mother, or one having a second or third child, makes adjustments along the way. Often many. She appreciates the encouragement and physical support of  her husband, family and others, through lending a hand with tasks or prepared meals, during that time. Opportunities for an extra nap, too, to catch up on some sleep while Grandma or another family member cuddles the new baby and watches over the household for awhile.
I’ve had much opportunity in this past month to cuddle these new little grandchildren, and it made me think again, as I looked at the photos, how relationships build. How a baby needs everything—so much of his parents’ attention, for feeding, changing, comforting and protection. Completely dependent on his mother and father and family for those things, the baby does not yet know that it’s surely coming his way.

my husband and I with Isaac

The baby can only cry to let his family know that he needs something, long before he has the ability, or vocabulary, to tell what he needs. He learns, hopefully, that his care is assured, that someone will feed him when he’s hungry, that someone will rock him when he’s upset, and change him when he is wet. When the needs are met, baby can fall asleep again. In that long time, with steady loving care, a trust is built. Trust takes time. It builds a little at a time.

cousin Evy holds Nolan

I think of my brother, adopted at age 5 and a half, who did not have that same trust of adults in his life. His early life was full of broken relationships. We do not know for certain how many of them, but we know that those hurts take a lot of time to heal. Likely some of them never do.
Jesus asks us to come to him as children. He asks that we trust him with our needs and our life. It’s often hard to accept that trust that he’ll take care of us, maybe especially hard for people who’ve had similar early experiences as my brother. He’s learned some of that unconditional love having been part of our family, and yet trusting God with his life is a place he has not yet attained. I pray that someday it may still happen for him.
This same Jesus who came to us as a baby, whose earthly parents took care of his physical needs—his hunger, his need for comfort and protection from danger as an infant and as a child. He understands that and has experienced it.  He asks us only to trust him with our needs. And I’m here to say, it’s easier some day than others.

Author, editor, Carolyn Wilker


Peter Black said...

Congratulations Grandma!
That's great news - two grandsons birthed in the same month ('moonth') - Wow! It's perfectly understandable if you and your hubby are "over the moon" about them! :)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insightful spiritual applications. ~~+~~

Glynis said...

It's been quite a month for you. I am sure it feels good to release words on the page and to continue to send prayers heavenward on behalf of those who we love dearly. Happy Grand-mothering!

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